Path to the main area of resort

View from Hil and DJ's room

Classic roommate photo

Cozy place to dine

Chairs on the beach with a little hut in case of sunburn or rain

Omar Jr. the beach crab

The pool area with the beach in the background
Sunrise along the beach in Montego Bay

Hobie Cat, very fun to ride on when it is wavy

View from Hil and DJ's room

Pretty fountain

One of the restaurants at the resort

Hil and me chillin after dinner, yes that is me in a dress

All the girls dressed up for dinner. Yep I'm in a skirt again
Well Jamaica was pretty amazing. I had the most fun doing the water events, such as snorkeling, kayaking, the Hobie cat, and climbing the waterfalls. Other than that we soaked up the sun and ate fun foods. We did do a little shopping in the city - that was a tad stressful. But overall the trip was amazing and it is beautiful there, maybe someday I will have the opportunity to go back.
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