Sunday, April 5, 2009

Michigan Trip Pictures Spring Break 2009

Gabby with her big "I love the camera" smile
Mason Thomas just chill-axing

Yoh doing one of her famous poses for the camera

The sistas getting geared up for the wagon ride

Gabby climbing to the top of the slide at the park

Yoh and her favorite dog Cooper! Yoh is also mid dance

Brynn eating some grub

Brynn getting pushed by her big sister! Amazing facial expression

A goose and 2 ducks on the pond at Yohs apartment complex.
The second duck is the the cattails - can you see her?

Some geese on the pond at Yohs apartment complex

Some of my followers were looking forward to some pictures of Yoh's new place in Michigan. Well I failed to take any, my bad! I will do a better job this summer!


Lauren Blake said...

I still really enjoyed the pictures. thanks!

Tom and Leah said...

those are some beautiful girls. three questions:
1. is yoh making the blue steel face or is that magnum?
2. what dance is yoh doing?
3. when is yoh going to start her own flippin' blog? (i don't expect an answer from you, coach)

justin & jacklynn said...

love the pics!!!
and congrats on the house!! so exciting!!!

Maasen said...

okay leah here is what I know:
1. let's go with magnum!
2. she is shimming her money makers! ( i think it is more of an ohioian dance) :)
3. i know you didnt expect me to answer this one ray but I am going to go with never...her internet kind of sucks and doubt if she would update it much since she has trouble with email responding, it would be such a funny blog though she is a very good writer