Saturday, March 1, 2008

2 years and close to/or over 100 done!!!

Well some of you might not know that I have a side hobbie/spiritual tool that I do in my "spare time." This task is to type the important parts of books that other people in my church (mostly Paul) have read. The readers go through and highlight important factors, and then I type what I call the cliff notes. These cliff notes then are being used to help with three books that Paul is writing.
So just the other day I was going through some of my old emails and deciding if I still needed to keep them or if I could delete them. While doing that I came across an email that was from February 2006 asking me if I would be willing to type highlighted books. So with that being said I have been going hard at it through basketball and softball seasons, shoulder surgery and just other life things for awhile now and the stack is getting really small now as Paul is on the beginning of the writing season and less reading! I am not sure of the exact total of books that I have typed, but I do know that it is close to 100 if not over it. Needless to say I am happy to this task for my community and for someday the world. It's funny but somehow typing the books relaxes me and at the same time I do remember some of the things that I type.
Places I type besides my home, at my desk at work, Starbucks, the cafe area at my fitness center, and my favorite place was at Dunn Brothers Coffee House with the Simon's - good music and of course good company.

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