Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Random Things

  • I started on February 1st taking a photo of the day. I am going to try and a take a photo every day for 1 year. I added a page (look up) to post them on. I cannot guarantee that i will post them everyday however I will try to, however I tend to have a pretty busy schedule. When the year is up I do plan to organize them and make a book out of all the photos. Should be fun
  • I have started playing some soccer on Saturday nights with some friends, there are some pictures further down this page. Anyways 3 weeks ago I was playing goalie and I was trying to block a ball with my hands and it sort of bent my wrist back. It hurt then and for a few days then it got better. However the last week it started to hurt lots so today I went to get an x-ray and it is not broken however sprained. So the doctor said I should wear a brace on my wrist/thumb for most of the day for awhile to rest it. Now I am going to try and follow these rules mostly because it does hurt and softball season is coming up and I really really like coaching softball. I like to play catch with the girls, hit grounders and fly balls. All of those do involve my left wrist so it is key that I take good care of it so I can be the best coach I can be! So that is the news on that, but remember the doctor did say most of the day - not all of the day! I will say that wearing my watch on my right arm is pretty annoying. 
  • I have been coaching 8th grade boys basketball and it is fun and we are doing pretty great! My team of 12 boys work really well together and seem to be understanding the TEAM concept. We have 5 games left so we shall see how the rest of the season goes but as long as they keep playing like this we should finish on the positive side. 
  • I have been missing Wyatt a lot lately! Different things seem to make me miss him. 
  • It is weird to not live with a dog. I have lived with a dog my whole life except for like a year and 1/2. Weird right! 
  • I got an iPAD for Christmas and I enjoy it. I still use my laptop more, however it is nice to take the iPAD to and from work, to coffee shops, etc. It is fun. 
  • I am almost out of debt - so so close - very exciting! Then the saving will begin, lots of saving. 
  • I am going to Italy the summer of 2012 for 11 days. 
  • Okay I think that is enough for now. 


Tom and Leah said...

Today at DD with Steph and Mira (and Audrey) Cassidy did a Wyatt face. She was telling Mira how one day she (mira) will wear underwear all the time and then Cass raised her eyebrows and winked. I could see him all over her face. The raised eyebrows is signature Wy-guy.

Kait said...

Wow...Italy? That sounds amazing!

And congrats on getting close with your debt!

justjess said...

I've been missing him a lot too. My grandpa is super sick and for some reason it makes me miss Wy-guy. Seems like a lot of stuff makes me miss him.

I'm with Kait...woah Italy...details please!

And we're throwing a party when you're all paid up. You've worked so hard. I'll make you whatever you want.

Susan said...

I feel like this is one of our emails, only more detailed. Are you holding out on me?

justjess said...

oh and your pictures are great! Way to go on stretching yourself and taking pics of people. I've thought of you several times as I take pics of things that are not people...more to come, you'll see. ;)

Tom and Leah said...

Enjoyed the photos on your new page. A lot of fun to remember what's been going on.

Lauren Blake said...

I really enjoyed this post it gives me a glimpse into what has really been going on. Thanks for sharing and contests on being debt free.