Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A little over a month left in my 20s

Alright so I have just a month and a few days left in my 20s, pretty exciting! I have never really cared about getting older - since my 22nd birthday they have all kind of been the same and not too exciting, don't get me wrong I love my birthday and I look forward to it every year. I'm just saying that some people freak out about getting older, not me though, doesn't matter much - it's not like I can change it. Since I am turning 30 this year lots of people have asked questions since it is suppose to be a "big" birthday, so I thought I would answer a few of them here.
1. What are you going to do for your BIG Birthday? Well my birthday falls on a Sunday this year, so on my actual birthday I will probably spend time talking on the phone, eat lots of food that is not too healthy (I am trying to eat healthy and only cheating on holidays and the 15th of every month - yes my birthday counts as a holiday), might go to my moms, and probably go to worship night at KL if I do not have bball practice. However I am going to Jamaica in July with 9 friends and most of them will turn 30 sometime this year.
2. When you were younger and you thought about 30 what did you think? I thought it seemed old. I thought I would have kids by now oh yes and a husband. I always thought I would get married around 27, maybe cause that is what age my parents got married. I also thought it seemed so far away-even at 21, but man it got here really fast.
3. What are some things that you never thought would have happened to you before you were 30? Parents divorce, running a marathon, owning a house all by myself, been in so many weddings without a date, being in a community where everyone knows my "stuff" and still loving me and not talking about it behind my back, finding a roommate that is more than a "roommate" and an amazing little kid in my life named Parker.
4. What do you hope the next 30 years brings? Whatever the Lord wants for me!

As for leaving my 20s it will a good change I think. I am growing every year, so going into my thirties will be great, sure there will be some bumps in the road but this last year has brought many of those and I think that they went pretty smooth - with the Lord's help of course!


Shaul said...

i'd have to say that years 30-33 have been the best in my life. so here's to all of us in our 30's ... we're getting all "growed" up, and it's more fun than we thought. plus, the adults have to acknowledge now that we're adults too.

Hilary said...

I think the 30's are going to be even better than our 20's....PLUS what better way to KICK IT OFF than going to Jamaica-man!

Mmaasen said...

greeting and salutations my big 'getting older' sister. i really like your site. the background is fun and colorful. just like you. anywho... i consider your birthday a holiday too. doy! someone, somewhere once told me that nobody listens to you until your at least 30. not sure if that is true but it is an interesting theory. i do know that your 20s is about self discovery and trying to figure out what you want to do or what your purpose is. in a selfless manner of course. so... love the site and love you and i'll see you for the holidaze.

Shaul said...

the "nobody listens to you until you are at least 30" is probably from Jewish culture, as you had to be 30 in order to teach.

Alicia said...

I definitely think people that turn 30 in December of 07 are incredibly special (not the short bus kind of special) and wonderful people! Oh, I may be biased. You forgot one thing, I am sure you never thought you would have seen Albert, the world's largest bull before you were 30 (not twice at least)!

Here's to the next decade!