Some of you have already heard about this great way of traveling the US, but some of you still have not so I feel it is my duty as a blogger to spread the word about megabus. First of all it is located at
So awhile ago my friend Alicia, aka DJ, found out about megabus as a way of traveling by bus cheaply from St. Louis to KC. She heard about this fantastic bus from Rebecca Abraham...she deserves a shout out for telling others about it. Way to go girl!
A few months ago DJ came to KC for a wedding and she traveled to St. Louis to KC and back to the Lou for a grand total of $21.50!!! That's right and that was the more expensive ticket because she had to book it late, only because she was unaware of this amazing bus. The travel time was about the same - in fact she even got to KC a little early. She did say that the bus was a little chilly so she does recommend bringing a blanket.
Well since then I have told a few other people about the megabus and just last week my homie, Yoh, was checking out traveling prices to fly, bus, and/or drive home for the Christmas break to Whootown Ohio. The megabus only travels from KC to Chicago or St. Louis but then you can connect (or get on another bus) to travel to a different location. The megabus does travel to Toledo, OH. which is an hour away from the little town where Pat Yoh lives. Well lets just say that Yoh booked a trip home last week from KC to Chicago to Toledo for a really cheap price, and she will not be driving by herself for 11 hours in her Gold (fake) Grand AM. She is going to be traveling home for a grand total of $8.50!!!!!!!! I know completely amazing isn't it. Her ticket from KC to Chicago was only $1.00 - - keep in mind she did book this 6 weeks in advance -- the earliest that you can book, (i believe)
It makes me wonder how the heck does the megabus company afford gas for the buses, and how do they pay the drivers?? Lots of questions here, but not many answers. All I have to say is if you feel like traveling but don't want to do the driving you should check out the megabus...megafun...megacheap
4 years ago
$8.50?! What a ganga! Megabus should really be paying you some kind of percentage for all of your top-notch marketing.
This is amazing, I am totally doing it. I'm planning a trip, and I can only spend three dollars. i should be able to get to at least Chicago.
megabus. megafun. megacheap. that's brilliant. we should all go to chi-town for $1. then we could afford to eat there.
and marky, get on the posting bus, er, train. i'm aching to read some funniness from you!
megabus ... megafun ... megacheap - that's literary genius right there. i have to admit though, i'm not one that has megafun on long bus rides.
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