Saturday, August 14, 2010

dog wash

So a week or so ago Leah took Yuma to the dog wash - that is set up like a car wash (sorta). I went purely to see what it was like and to take pictures to blog about it! There was a small scary moment but we survived it. If you decide to take your dog here I highly recommend taking another person with you since it is very hard to manage solo.

The dog was area
The different options - check out the one in yellow! :)
For some reason Yuma was not to willing to climb the ramp!
It's go time, Yuma is getting the oatmeal shampoo wash! Her skin loved it!
All finished: blow dried and clean!


Tom and Leah said...

2her sschnoz looks huge in that last picture. also, do you have a new follower? hmmm.

Maasen said...

i saw that new follower I need to dig deeper.
Her nose does look large, that is when she was in the car while you were getting an amazing coca-cola classic from the QT