Tuesday, August 31, 2010

where i spend my days at now

Well school/work is in full swing. I am back to teaching middle school P.E. and coaching 9 months out of the year (really 10). Right now I am coaching 8th grade volleyball, the girls are awesome and we should have a pretty decent season that is the coach is decent. :) Here are some pictures of where I hang out some of the day time, the rest is in the gym or on the football field.

My big office window - that looks out onto the locker room - I know exciting! If you are in need of a good window view someday just stop on by and I will share my office view with you.
This is the view I have of my office most of the time
This is the view you get when you first walk in my office


Carlye said...

oh man, that makes me miss teaching. i can almost smell the linoleum and the painted concrete walls. hope you enjoy your teaching/coaching a lot this year. i pray you have a lasting impact on those kids.

Lauren Blake said...

good to see your surrounding... I always like to picture people where they are...thanks for posting this.

Tom and Leah said...

where's the giant picture of me?

cass said...

So I was going to comment about a picture of myself but someone beat me to the punch!