Saturday, November 30, 2013


Day 22: I am thankful that I am not a picky eater. Sure there are several things that I don't want to ever eat and some things that I have given up over the years (mostly pork). I will eat most things  and really I just like to eat food that someone else cooks for me.

Day 23: Leah Blake - Lots of amazing things that I could say about 1 of my best friends. Lately I just am thankful that we have kept in great communication even though we are living in different countries and time zones. I love how she randomly tells me that I am great or she loves me. I think she is a great friend, an amazing mother to her children, a great wife to her fun husband...for sure a woman that I am very thankful that the L-rd allowed our paths to connect.

Day 24: FaceTime - with a few of my closest friends living in other locations I am super thankful for this. It allows my quality time bucket to be filled up!

Day 25: Maya - I love having a biological niece. It is so great to watch her grow up and be involved in her life. Grateful that she lives close to me so I can do random drop-in visits.

Day 26: All the kids in my life - I have several nieces and nephews in my life (non-biological - but pretty much family anyways). Most of my friends have kids and I am thankful they allow me to be part of their children's lives. From playing dress up, taking them to movies, going sledding, ice cream dates, watching them play sports, etc. I am just glad that my friends with kids let me (the single girl) be a small part of their family!

Day 27: Living in a place that has all the four season. I really enjoy nature.

Day 28: Snow Days! I enjoy them - even though my district usually has us make them up. However, a spontaneous day off out of nowhere is a fun thing. Movies, sleeping in, drinking tea in my sweats = a great time.

Day 29: Traveling - I enjoy taking trips on the days I am not at work. I have seen some pretty amazing places!

Day 30: Debt Free! I have been debt free for a few years now and I just love having a little extra cash to spend on others or to save for trips!

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